Upcoming Live Workshops
OCTOBER 2, 2021 ---- Reiki Level 1 Class
NOVEMBER 13 & 14, 2021 ---- Reiki Level 2 Classes
NOVEMBER 20, 2021 ----- Reiki Master Classes (1 of 5)
Putting the Connecting in With Spirit Workshop series together came about mostly due to the fact that I had more people wanting to join my live workshops than I had space to hold them in the room... not a bad "problem" to have right? Well, thanks to today's amazing technology, I now have the ability to offer my in-depth workshops to anyone worldwide at the click of a button.
This series of 7 pre-recorded workshops are available individually on audio MP3 files that you can easily listen to online or download to your computer or mobile device.
Throughout this series you'll receive an in-depth explanation of each topic, opening up your mind, debunking myths, guiding you through exercises so you can connect in with Spirit from the comfort of your own home and with practice you'll be able to communicate and receive messages anytime you want.
Here are the topics covered:
Working With Your Spirit Guides
Connecting in With Our Past Lives
Automatic Writing: Divine Guidance From Spirit
Using Universal Laws of Energy for Manifestation
Connecting to & Working With Archangels and Ascended Masters
Living in and With Diving Energy
Working With Your Gut Instincts & Intuition
Here's what participants had to say:
"Thank you for the amazing experience during last night’s Spirit Guide Webinar! I learned so much and had a wonderful time. It was my first time doing a webinar and it was so easy!" -CW
"I can’t believe that I was able to tune into 2 of my guides last night during the Spirit Guide Webinar! I have tried for years (unsuccessfully!) to tune into them and finally last night I made this great connection. I feel like I’ve opened up a door to a new part of myself, thank you Kelly!" -AS
"The Spirit Guide Webinar was a blast! I wasn’t sure what to expect and was impressed with how much I learned, how easy it was to meditate, and how much it has given me to think about. The digital downloads from your guided meditation cd were a big draw to signing up too. Like you’ve said before, I can’t wait to see what spirit has in store for me." - VR