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EFT Tapping Sessions with Personalized Recipe

I am so honored to also now offer customized EFT/Tapping sessions with my clients in my office in Albany, NY and by way of Zoom. 


EFT (Tapping) stands for "Emotional Freedom Techniques," and is a gentle and effective healing technique based upon acupressure which uses the body's own meridian energy system to regulate the nervous system. It is simple to learn and recognized by the American Psychological Association as an effective treatment for stress and trauma.  EFT Tapping is more than a quarter of a century old and developed by Gary Craig; it combines Eastern medicine with modern Western psychology.  EFT (or Tapping) uses acupressure tapping to clear the emotional imprints of shock, trauma, negative energy, and stress, to open up a client’s energy for fresh possibilities for healing. This simple, easy to learn (and painless) technique releases blocks in your body's natural meridian energy system that can be the cause of physical and emotional issues. Your fingertips will tap 5-7 times each on 9 of the body’s meridian points; tapping on these meridian points – while focusing on accepting and resolving the negative emotion – will access your body’s energy, restoring it to a balanced state. Tapping addresses the root cause of the issues which allows for deep and long lasting healing, and the more we clear these energy blocks, the more peace and emotional freedom we manifest!  


During a typical EFT session, the client will tap lightly with the fingertips on key pressure points while focusing on a specific issue or concern.  We start out with a couple rounds of tapping to focus on the tough parts of the issue and always end with a couple rounds focusing on joy, love, and healing.  Together, we’ll talk about what you’d like to shift, release, or let go of and then create a customized “recipe” to tap to.  I’ll walk you through the tapping points on your body (you will do your own tapping) and send you home with information to keep on tapping with your “recipe” after our session.  


TAPPING GIVES YOU THE POWER TO HEAL YOURSELF, PUTTING THE CONTROL OVER YOUR DESTINY BACK INTO YOUR OWN HANDS.  Tapping restores the body’s energy balance, and negative emotions are conquered.  And what’s so exciting is how incredibly quickly it can alleviate issues like depression, anxiety and insomnia, physical pain, and even illness.


EFT/TAPPING Session with Personalized Recipe - 60 min | $180

(IN-PERSON or ZOOM appointments)

Together, we’ll talk about what you’d like to shift, release, or let go of and then create a customized “recipe” to tap to.  I’ll walk you through the tapping points on your body (you will do your own tapping) and send you home with information to keep on tapping with your “recipe” after our session.


This session is offered in-person or by Zoom, and is made by APPOINTMENT ONLY.  

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