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In this Energetic Symposium, we will touch on various aspects and you are going to learn how to shift, clear, enhance and heal energy to create a peaceful anxiety-free, loving, supportive and nurturing environment. 


I am going to be introducing you to a process called “Creating Sacred Space for Life” and you’ll be learning ways to balance your energy and clear out negativity once and for all! You’re going to learn about smudging your space which is a fabulous Native American ritual. We're going to talk about creating an energetic crystal grid and also talk about protecting your overall energy.


I’ll teach you several techniques from dealing with draining individuals, managing health issues that come on, to those psychic attacks that people often hear about. And we're going to debunk some fears and myths with all of that too.


This 38-minute webinar is designed to be listened to over and over so you can deepen your understanding, energy and connection to this information. 

[MP3 DOWNLOAD] Energetic Symposium: Creating Sacred Space for Life



  • This is a simple MP3 download that will delivered instantly after your purchase.   It is 38 minutes long chock full of great tips and techniques that you can easily keep handy on your mobile phone.

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