When asking Spirit for some guidance for this month’s inspirational newsletter, I found myself really thinking about how does one really *trust* the process of starting a new beginning? Look if you don’t know by now...this girl, she’s a creature of habit. I like the predictable, the smooth sailing, and everything that comes with it --- but with age comes wisdom (or so they say!) -- and I’m finding myself more and more, craving new beginnings and new adventures. I want to embrace everything that life wants to attract to me and not miss a beat! And even with that excitement, the old creature of habit part of me still struggles with change and at times, allowing. I found the quote above on Facebook a day or two after beginning my chat with Spirit, and then realized -- okay, this is the direction we’re going in for this month!

So you’re at one of these crossroads in life -- you’re either continuing the trend of what you’ve done the past few months (or years!), or you’re saying yes to a new opportunity. You’re diving into the big unknown and whether it’s that you’re about to start a new job, getting married, writing that book you’ve put off for years, moving to a different location -- whatever it is -- it’s a new adventure. And even if you may want this change or shift, there’s always an underlying part that feels a bit of fear with even the most beautiful of changes.
But with putting a little bit of that fear aside -- as I’m always taking inventory of the opportunities, changes, and new adventures awaiting me (and sometimes keeping track of them on literal post-in-notes!) -- I often find myself coming back to the questions of:
How exactly do I truly make the mental/spiritual space to embrace and start something new?
How can I take the first step toward fulfilling those intentions that I have not only set for the New Year, but perhaps for the life that I feel I’m finally ready to welcome and live?!
How do I make sure that I don’t miss the “moment” when I’m finally ready for the new beginning or the shift?
There are moments in life when we know we need to drastically shift the course of our lives in order to live a life we love, be best self, and truly be happy (I write about this often, as it’s current of energy that I work with many of you on daily!). Moments that, while sometimes like I mentioned, can provoke fear - we somehow know will ultimately lead to a change that allows us to grow, evolve, and finally become who we were meant to be. So are you ready for that level of change and the joy that follows? I’d love to know if you can identify with any of these insights: You're going through a life upheaval.
When you are experiencing a life upheaval whether it's in your career, relationship, family life, or finances, it's usually an indication that a change of course is necessary. It also represents an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself, what you want, and how to make the necessary changes to deliver the joy and peace you are seeking. A major life upheaval is nothing more than an invitation to do a bit of digging to grow and evolve as a person while setting new strategies into place to make life what you want it to be. And most importantly -- don’t even spend another moment letting this fear in and thinking that your life is doomed -- PROMISE?!
You're at the end of your rope and you know it's now or never.
I talk with clients about this on a daily basis -- and the common theme -- “Kelly... I just can’t; Kelly... I’m done with this nonsense; Kelly... I’m at the end of my rope.” You've been thinking about making a change for a while and you have had just about enough of the lack, unhappiness, frustration, and negativity that has been seeping into your soul. You're ready to rewrite your life story and make it one of joy, peace, abundance, and success AND here’s the AH HA MOMENT… YOU are willing to do what it takes to create a life you love because you know you are worthy of that. (Secret message...We all are!) Your current life is too small to fit your big dreams.
You've got big dreams (like humungus dreams, right! Me too!) and as you look around your current life, you know that some things are going to have to shift dramatically to make room for everything you want to do. Whether you want to quit your job and backpack through Ireland or move out into a cabin on the lake to write your amazing novel, big things need to happen and you know that in order for your dreams to become reality, you have to embrace the changes that are coming. You’re releasing the “how’s” “why’s” and “when’s” and knowing that the Universe will have your back through and through.
Your soul is calling you to be, have, and do more.
At first glance you thought life was great and you had nothing to complain about, but you are beginning to feel an internal desire to do so much more. Your vision isn't completely clear and you aren't sure where you might end up, but things are changing within you already and you know that as soon as you say YES to that little voice inside nudging you along, the dominoes will begin to fall and your life is going to transform before your very eyes. It's not a question of if you have more to be, have and do, it's a question of IF YOU ARE READY? Well, are you? And finally...all signs point to YES!
If you’ve made it this far -- YOU’VE GOT THIS and you’re in the home stretch of your new beginning. You're finally noticing a common theme in your tribe, colleagues, and in the world around you. More people are making seemingly wild and wacky decisions to live their big dream and you can't help but wonder why aren’t I? The truth is, these are merely messages from the Universe telling you, YES you beautiful, spunky perfect human being...it's time. Time for you to take the leap, the risk, and live a little (or a lot). There's a whole world out there waiting for you and you have finally embraced the idea that your time is coming.
So if ANY (or all!) of these resonate with you -- guess what, you’re knee deep this in beautiful new beginning and it’s time to surrender and just trust the magic. And let’s be honest for a moment -- the fact that you are on the verge of a new beginning isn't news to you. You can feel the inner rumbling of your dreams and the magnetic force of inspiration pulling you to your purpose every single day! Some days it’s easier to label than others, but you can feel it! So if there's anything you do after this inspirational message today, promise me this -- listen to your heart and take the next step. There is no secret map that will highlight your path for you, all you have to do is follow those beautiful gut instincts, trust, and take inspired action.
My Dear friends online, My name is sarah amanda bella And i live in USA, ohio, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 2 years ago, which lead to our break up. I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem too his name is Doctor Jude. I email the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happen,…