I hope this post finds you healthy, giving yourself kindness and compassion, and embracing the continued growth of 2021! I feel like I’m moving into whirlwind chunk of time - I’m getting ready to move into a busy season for an organization that I volunteer with; I’m getting married in the late Fall; there’s a huge expansion with my business that I’m starting to put into motion (more info on that will come next month!) While so many things may feel like a whirlwind or perhaps even some controlled chaos -- what I do know for certain is that Spirit is always by my side helping me to get into a new groove, evolve, and find my best self. And as with all things... life ebbs and flows, and I try to give myself plenty of grace, to just SURRENDER and let the things flow. And on a side note...my students hear me talking about “surrendering” all the time -- in a spiritual sense, surrender literally means to stop fighting the universe and the natural flow of things. Stop resisting and pushing against reality. Surrender = Complete acceptance of what is + Faith that all is well, even without knowing or understanding how it can get better. At various stages in our lives and of course for a variety of reasons, our lives take a huge shift. We may resist, we can be overjoyed, and we may even freeze with the idea that we now need to embrace and find a “new normal.” Whether it be due to empty nesting, divorce, death of a loved-one, loss of a job or a career change, family issues, illness, spiritual and emotional shifts/ascensions, a global pandemic, etc. The list is almost endless!
And although we plan for our futures in many ways, are we ever really prepared to adjust to a life changing event and in some cases, a series of them? Some people are more skilled than others (and we all know that person that can land in the gook and come out smelling like roses) -- but essentially no one is totally prepared for what’s around the corner when our life decides to take a detour. We each have our own path, our own walk, our own journey on this earth to venture upon -- but finding that “new normal” and allowing yourself to thrive with it, to me, is the key to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.
If your life isn’t everything you want it to be, YOU have the power to start to take steps to allow yourself to change. Whether it be physically, emotionally, spiritually, or intellectually -- it all starts with the decision to shift. Give yourself some space to alter your perspective, mix-up your routine, and even pretend until your dream becomes a reality (ie: fake it until you make it!). Step out of your box and into the fullness of who you really are!
We each have the choice to choose who we want to be and the life we desire. So we must figure out how to live in a manner consistent with the life we want to be present in. One of my most favorite quotes is, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Remember, your current life is the direct result of your actions and choices. If you want it to be different, you have to change the actions of you. There is nothing out of reach, everything you desire is not only accessible to you; it is waiting patiently in the shadows. You can choose to obsess about your problems or struggles, or you can start to focus on the endless opportunities that really do surround you. And yes, I’ll be honest, you may get discouraged and even lose your way from time to time -- it’s how we grow after all.
But just as we can sometimes feel lost, we can easily get right back on track and find our way. This is your NOW moment to choose, act, and live in the fullness of yourself. Forget about your failures or the “I’ll start it on Monday” that didn’t even survive the week. Choose NOW for everything you truly desire. You have the power to raise the bar and create that “new normal.”
To live in fear is not living at all. To choose courage where success is not guaranteed -- is the only path to happiness and fulfillment. Try to not be attached to the outcome, but instead be attached to the pleasure of the process, the pride in choosing greatness, and in living in the fullness of your life by choosing to express the fullness of who you are.

Happiness is yours for the having – yours for the taking and it’s worth it! YOU are worth it! Be proactively optimistic! This means aggressively choosing positive thoughts and outlooks. It’s about finding the silver lining in experiences know matter what, and believing that every occurrence has something to offer. It’s not what you are doing - but who you are being, and it’s never too late to put you first.
So my intention for you as we continue move through this wild time of energy, this chaotic season of our lives, or even this period of unrest -- my intention is that I hope that your dreams, hopes, and desires continue to come to fruition and may you find happiness, health and prosperity in all the change you choose to bring to your “new normal.”
My Dear friends online, My name is sarah bella And i live in USA, ohio, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 2 years ago, which lead to our break up. I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem too his name is Doctor Jude. I email the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happen, less…